Adopt Farm Animals
The animals available for adoption are always changing and we try to keep our website up to date but it is advisable to contact the shelter to see if an animal has found a home, or if there are any new animals for adoption. It is rare that we take in farm animals, but occasionally we do have some for adoption.
Dizzy & Loco
These two sisters were rescued from slaughter as babies and have always lived together at a small charity premises, which is now having to downsize. They are a bit nervous around new people but very friendly once they get to know you. A very kind and patient, relatively quiet home would be ideal for these lovely ladies. As they are bit older they will need a nice warm shelter and access to some decent sized hard-standing areas to help them with their joints.
Although they are very similar in appearance you can tell them apart once you get to know them. Loco is slightly lighter in colour and has a straighter tail.